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[Download] PAladin & JadaCapFX – KP Trading Room

PAladin & JadaCapFX - KP Trading Room

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Live Streams
Gain access to our exclusive weekly and intraday analysis live streams
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Get access to recordings which include previous weekly outlooks, Paladin and Jadecap strategy, as well as exclusive call
Small Group and 1-on-1 Calls
If you on the edge about purchasing yet another trading course, STOP and read this review from an insider!! I traded crypto for 2 years and loved it but I knew that imminent regulations were about to change this industry. A simple mindset shift exposed me to prop firms. I researched and found two possible companies to join which I did. Both fell short of expectations. Then by the grace of goodness if found ICT’s course. I crammed all course just to review cuz this is my learning style. I then go back and dive deep into the details. During this time, I found Paladin interview then Jade Cap on ICT YouTube and what blew me away was the level headedness and maturity beyond years when it came to both these guys as they treated this profession as a business. No hype, No B/S!! Yet again by grace, they had launched their first trading joint venture course and I knew in my soul I had to take this journey. I’m on the inside now and have crammed every lesson, and will return β€˜many times’ over to each lesson. There is so much juice inside each lesson that it will sustain me and you for a very long time. The course is not limited but is ever expanding and growing as they grow which is and amazing perk. This training is not pop soda it’s nutritious. Why its Alpha 1. You have two guys mentored by ICT 2. They have condensed ICT info with β€˜precision’ 3. Its precise, direct, strategy focused so no time wasted on your behalf 4. You learn β€˜exactly’ what you need to know 5. The course material is not your average normie’s trading course 6. Both offers learnings & lessons on how they found their personal edge & trade their plan 7. They are available and respond asap 8. The course keeps expanding 9. There are weekly breakdowns so you are learning in real time 10. The section on psychology is from real time successful traders 11. Black shirts who pay for 6 months are privy to direct meetings 12. These guys will be noted as legends and you have a chance to be mentored by them 13. The discord groups is super +ve tribe of learners and traders, a testament to their leadership My final thoughts if you really want to be successful in trading and change your life these guys are the real deal. The course material is gold and keeps expanding. The tribe is kind as we know the dedication and focus its takes. Even if your brand knew to trading jump in now cuz you can learn at your own pace. This is an opportunity of a life time and there’s simply nothing out there that compares to this live training. Love to both Paladin and Kyle cuz we need guys like you in this industry God Bless Yolande Hart

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